

GenomicVectors is an alternate implementation of the GPos and GenomicRanges types from Bioconductor's GenomicRanges package by P. Aboyoun, H. Pages and M. Lawrence. These GenomicPositions and GenomicRanges types are Vectors that serve as markers of locations on a given genome. They can be used independently or as indices and/or annotation on other objects.

These types are commonly used in conjuction with RLEVectors from the package of the same name, which also often contain data arrayed along a genome. For example GenomicDataFrame may use a GPos or GenomicRanges as a row index and use RLEVector objects for data columns. This is a common method of storing segmented DNA copy number for multiple samples in R's genoset package.


These Vector types each contain a GenomicInfo object, which annotates the names of the relevant genome and its chromosomes as well as the lengths of each chromosome. Operations on two or more of these genomic vectors require that they contain identical GenomeInfo objects.

The primary "innovation" of these types is that genome locations are stored as the 1-based index into the linear genome of concatenated chromosomes described by the immutable GenomeInfo object. The relevant chromosome for this genopos can be looked up efficiently as the GenomeInfo holds the cumsum of the chromosome lengths. Using binary search and the usual optimization for a sorted vector of queries, these lookups are O(numpositions * log(numchromosomes)) in the worst case and O(numpositions) in the best case.


GenomeInfo and GenomicPositions objects can be created as follows:

using GenomicVectors

chrinfo = GenomeInfo("hg19",["chr1","chr2","chrX"],Int64[3e5,2e5,1e4])
chrs = ["chr1","chr2","chr2","chrX"]
pos = Int64[3e5,1.8e5,1.9e5,1e4]

x = GenomicPositions(pos,chrs,chrinfo)

gpos = genopos(pos,chrs,chrinfo)
y = GenomicPositions(gpos,chrinfo)


GenomeInfo objects have various accessors that describe the chomosomes and their boundaries in the concatenated, linear genome. They are also immutable so that the meaning of indices into a concatenated genome cannot change unexpectedly. Objects that contain a GenomeInfo implement the same methods.

chrinfo = GenomeInfo("hg19",["chr1","chr2","chrX"],Int64[3e5,2e5,1e4])

chrs = ["chr1","chr2","chr2","chrX"]
pos = Int64[3e5,1.8e5,1.9e5,1e4]
x = GenomicPositions(pos,chrs,chrinfo)

Similarly, GenomicPositions and similar objects can describe the positions they represent. GenomicRanges and GenomicPositions have the same API, for interchangeability, even when functions are more naturally position- or range-related. Some of these functions are shared with RLEVectors as ranges and runs have much in common.

chrinfo = GenomeInfo("hg19",["chr1","chr2","chrX"],Int64[3e5,2e5,1e4])
chrs = ["chr1","chr2","chr2","chrX"]
pos = Int64[3e5,1.8e5,1.9e5,1e4]
x = GenomicPositions(pos,chrs,chrinfo)

Working with locations

Genome locations may be modified (slid along the genome, resized, etc.) in various ways, but operations that would exceed the bounds of the relevant chromosome generate errors.

Queries of a genomic vector are only relevant in the context of a specific genome. Therefore, comparisons are only implemented between the collection of types that can be checked for identical GenomeInfo information.

Standard vector item matching operations require identity of items, rather than overlapping ranges. Overlap operations are implemented as distinct functions, as in Bioconductor.

chrinfo = GenomeInfo("GRCh38",["chr1","chr2","chr3","chrX","chrY","chrM"],Int64[3e5,2e5,1e4,5e4,2e3,1e3])
x = GenomicPositions( [ 200,100,150,50,500,20000], ["chr2","chr2","chr2","chrM","chrY","chr1"], chrinfo)
y = GenomicPositions( [ 220,100,50,50,420,10000], ["chr2","chr2","chr2","chrM","chrY","chr1"], chrinfo)
x in y
x in y


Given the linearized representation of the genome, ordering operations are done with respect first to position within a chromosome and then to the order of chromosomes specified in the contained GenomeInfo object. Stand, for types that implement it, is not considered in ordering. This is different than how strand is handled in R's Bioconductor classes.

using DataFrames
chrinfo = GenomeInfo("GRCh38",["chr1","chr2","chr3","chrX","chrY","chrM"],Int64[3e5,2e5,1e4,5e4,2e3,1e3])
x = GenomicPositions( [ 200,100,150,50,500,20000], ["chr2","chr2","chr2","chrM","chrY","chr1"], chrinfo)
y = sort(x)
convert(DataFrame, y)

Intersection / overlap operations

Currently we depend on Bio.jl and the IntervalCollection for overlap queries. We provide convert methods to make IntervalCollections. These collections store the genome-scale positions put the genome string in the chromosome string field, resulting in a single tree. We add the index of each interval in the AbstractGenomicVector in the metadata slot of each Interval which can be used to relate the IntervalCollection back to our original object.